ETA Logo 100  E.T.A. Hoffmann-Gymnasium Bamberg
ETA Logo 100 E.T.A. Hoffmann-
Gymnasium Bamberg

An unusual movie night

Popcorn, snacks, and fantastic entertainment – sounds like atypical movie night at home, sitting on your couch. But what if I tell you that we, the phenomenal class 10q, did exactly this in our assembly hall on the evening of December 6th? Well, to be honest, it wasn´t only for relaxing, our current English teacher Mrs. Grewe organized this because of a project we´re currently working on. “In what kind of project do you watch films?”, you might ask. Our project, which is called “Dead Poets Society reloaded” is all about analysing film characters, more specifically the characters of the amazing classic “Dead Poets Society” with the legendary actor Robin Williams, who portrays Mr. Keating, one of the main roles. Our task is to pick one of the boys in the movie and create Instagram accounts for him based on the information we´ve acquired during the film. When we were informed that our class was chosen to execute this project, we felt very honoured, because you don´t get the chance to do this every day, right? Being creative AND watching movies? Yes please ? !!! As a cherry on top, Santa Clause paid us a visit and handed us some chocolate! I mean, December 6th isn’t complete without him, is it? (small sidenote: If you ask me, Santa Clause had “some” similarities with Mr. Zweier, I don´t want to spread any rumours though…)
All in all, the whole experience was extremely refreshing and funny. So if you ask me, I could get used to movie nights like this at school ? !

Maya Fleischer, 10q